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Bus Hydrogen FC¤

Bus Technology Overview¤

The Bus technology category encompasses city buses designed specifically for urban transportation.

Bus Performance and Usage Metrics¤

The key performance and usage metrics for buses are outlined as follows:

  • Annual Distance (dannual): City buses have an annual mileage of 56,000 km.
  • Average Occupancy Rate (nlpv): The average occupancy rate is 14 passengers per vehicle, as reported by STM.
  • Utilization Factor: The utilization factor is established at 35%, resulting of an average speed of 18 (km/h) 1.
  • Reference Capacity: This yields a reference capacity of 63.89 passenger-kilometers per hour (pkm/h), determined using the formula:
\[ ref_{size} = \dfrac{d_{annual} \cdot n_{lpv}}{8760 \cdot c_p} \]

Where cp represents the capacity utilization percentage.

Hydrogen Fuel Cell¤

A hydrogen fuel cell operates by combining hydrogen and oxygen atoms to form water, releasing energy in the process. This energy can be converted into electricity and heat. One type of hydrogen fuel cell, known as a Proton Exchange Membrane (PEM) cell, uses a solid polymer membrane that allows protons to pass through, while blocking electrons. The membrane is coated with catalysts to accelerate the reaction. Hydrogen molecules are fed to the anode, where they dissociate into protons and electrons. The protons pass through the membrane to the cathode, while the electrons circulate in an external circuit, generating a voltage. At the cathode, oxygen molecules react with protons and electrons to form water vapor, which is released from the fuel cell. Overall, the operation of a hydrogen fuel cell relies on the chemical affinity between hydrogen and oxygen, with the PEM cells being one specific type of fuel cell.

ES Model Parameters¤

All the parameters concerning the Bus Hydrogen FC are listed in the table below.

entry_key value unit sets source_reference
H2_HP (layer) -0.26 - CHE Codina Gironès, Victor; Moret, Stefano; Maréchal, François; Favrat, Daniel, (2015): "Strategic Energy Planning for Large-Scale Energy Systems: A Modelling Framework to Aid Decision-Making"
H2_HP (layer) -0.229 kWh NA Agez, Maxime; Ménard, Jean-François; Saunier, François, (2022): "Analyse du Cycle de Vie de Filières Énergétiques et de Leur Utilisation pour le Transport Routier au Québec – Partie 2 : Utilisation"
H2_HP (layer) -0.2255 - DEU Schnidrig, Jonas, (2020): "Assessment of Green Mobility Scenarios on European Energy Systems"
H2_HP (layer) -0.2255 - FRA Schnidrig, Jonas, (2020): "Assessment of Green Mobility Scenarios on European Energy Systems"
H2_HP (layer) -0.225 - Moret, Stefano, (2017): "Strategic Energy Planning under Uncertainty"
MOB_PUBLIC (layer) 1 - CHE Codina Gironès, Victor; Moret, Stefano; Maréchal, François; Favrat, Daniel, (2015): "Strategic Energy Planning for Large-Scale Energy Systems: A Modelling Framework to Aid Decision-Making"
MOB_PUBLIC (layer) 1 - Moret, Stefano, (2017): "Strategic Energy Planning under Uncertainty"
MOB_PUBLIC_LOCAL (layer) 1 pkm NA Agez, Maxime; Ménard, Jean-François; Saunier, François, (2022): "Analyse du Cycle de Vie de Filières Énergétiques et de Leur Utilisation pour le Transport Routier au Québec – Partie 2 : Utilisation"
MOB_PUBLIC_LOCAL (layer) 1 - DEU Schnidrig, Jonas, (2020): "Assessment of Green Mobility Scenarios on European Energy Systems"
MOB_PUBLIC_LOCAL (layer) 1 - FRA Schnidrig, Jonas, (2020): "Assessment of Green Mobility Scenarios on European Energy Systems"
c_inv 0 MCHF/(Mpkm/h) Moret, Stefano, (2017): "Strategic Energy Planning under Uncertainty"
c_inv 611.1 MCHF/(Mpkm/h) DEU Schnidrig, Jonas, (2020): "Assessment of Green Mobility Scenarios on European Energy Systems"
c_inv 611.1 MCHF/(Mpkm/h) FRA Schnidrig, Jonas, (2020): "Assessment of Green Mobility Scenarios on European Energy Systems"
c_inv 5895.35 CAD/(pkm/h) NA Agez, Maxime; Ménard, Jean-François; Saunier, François, (2022): "Analyse du Cycle de Vie de Filières Énergétiques et de Leur Utilisation pour le Transport Routier au Québec – Partie 2 : Utilisation"
c_maint 0 MCHF/(Mpkm/h)/yr Moret, Stefano, (2017): "Strategic Energy Planning under Uncertainty"
c_maint 29 MCHF/(Mpkm/h)/y DEU Schnidrig, Jonas, (2020): "Assessment of Green Mobility Scenarios on European Energy Systems"
c_maint 29 MCHF/(Mpkm/h)/y FRA Schnidrig, Jonas, (2020): "Assessment of Green Mobility Scenarios on European Energy Systems"
c_maint 43.84 CAD/(pkm/h)/y NA Agez, Maxime; Ménard, Jean-François; Saunier, François, (2022): "Analyse du Cycle de Vie de Filières Énergétiques et de Leur Utilisation pour le Transport Routier au Québec – Partie 2 : Utilisation"
c_p 1 - Moret, Stefano, (2017): "Strategic Energy Planning under Uncertainty"
c_p 1 - DEU Schnidrig, Jonas, (2020): "Assessment of Green Mobility Scenarios on European Energy Systems"
c_p 1 - FRA Schnidrig, Jonas, (2020): "Assessment of Green Mobility Scenarios on European Energy Systems"
gwp_constr 0 kgCO2/kW Moret, Stefano, (2017): "Strategic Energy Planning under Uncertainty"
lifetime 1 y Moret, Stefano, (2017): "Strategic Energy Planning under Uncertainty"
lifetime 15 y NA Agez, Maxime; Ménard, Jean-François; Saunier, François, (2022): "Analyse du Cycle de Vie de Filières Énergétiques et de Leur Utilisation pour le Transport Routier au Québec – Partie 2 : Utilisation"
lifetime 15 y DEU Schnidrig, Jonas, (2020): "Assessment of Green Mobility Scenarios on European Energy Systems"
lifetime 15 y FRA Schnidrig, Jonas, (2020): "Assessment of Green Mobility Scenarios on European Energy Systems"
ref_size 0.001 Mpkm/h Moret, Stefano, (2017): "Strategic Energy Planning under Uncertainty"
ref_size 255.71 pkm/h NA Agez, Maxime; Ménard, Jean-François; Saunier, François, (2022): "Analyse du Cycle de Vie de Filières Énergétiques et de Leur Utilisation pour le Transport Routier au Québec – Partie 2 : Utilisation"
ref_size 360 pkm/h DEU Schnidrig, Jonas, (2020): "Assessment of Green Mobility Scenarios on European Energy Systems"
ref_size 360 pkm/h FRA Schnidrig, Jonas, (2020): "Assessment of Green Mobility Scenarios on European Energy Systems"
trl 9 - Moret, Stefano, (2017): "Strategic Energy Planning under Uncertainty"
trl 9 - DEU Schnidrig, Jonas, (2020): "Assessment of Green Mobility Scenarios on European Energy Systems"
trl 9 - FRA Schnidrig, Jonas, (2020): "Assessment of Green Mobility Scenarios on European Energy Systems"


Data Sources
Agez, Maxime; Ménard, Jean-François; Saunier, François. (2022). "Analyse du Cycle de Vie de Filières Énergétiques et de Leur Utilisation pour le Transport Routier au Québec – Partie 2 : Utilisation"
Codina Gironès, Victor; Moret, Stefano; Maréchal, François; Favrat, Daniel. (2015). "Strategic Energy Planning for Large-Scale Energy Systems: A Modelling Framework to Aid Decision-Making". Energy. ⧉
Moret, Stefano. (2017). "Strategic Energy Planning under Uncertainty"
Schnidrig, Jonas. (2020). "Assessment of Green Mobility Scenarios on European Energy Systems"

  1. The bus network and the schedules enlightened. (2023, October 24). Retrieved from ⧉