Car Gasoline¤
Car Definition¤
The Car category is defined as a vehicle featuring four wheels and two axles, with a primary function of transporting passengers within private transportation settings.
Car Performance and Usage Metrics1¤
The performance and usage metrics for cars are as follows:
- Annual Distance (dannual): Cars on average cover a distance of 14,602 km per year.
- Average Occupancy Rate (nlpv): The average occupancy rate for cars is determined to be 1.57 passengers per vehicle.
- Utilization Factor: The utilization factor for cars is established at 5%, correlating to an average daily use of 1 hour and 15 minutes.
- Reference Capacity: This leads to a reference capacity of 52.34 passenger-kilometers per hour (pkm/h), calculated using the formula:
Where cp denotes the capacity utilization percentage.
An internal combustion engine (ICE) is a type of heat engine where fuel combustion takes place inside a chamber. This causes an increase in temperature and pressure. This pressure is then applied directly to pistons, rotors or a nozzle, which converts the thermal energy of combustion into mechanical energy to move the vehicle. However, this combustion generates numerous substances with potential impacts on human health and the environment, including : - Carbon dioxide (CO2): a GHG contributing to climate change and ocean acidification. - Nitrogen oxides (NOx): precursors to the formation of photochemical ozone (smog), which promotes respiratory problems, and causes, among other things, the acidification of terrestrial and aquatic environments and the eutrophication of the marine environment. - Fine particles (PM): potentially causing respiratory problems when inhaled. - Carbon monoxide (CO): considered toxic to humans and animals.
All gasoline engines use spark plugs to ignite the air-fuel mixture. Although these engines are commonly referred to as “gasoline engines”, they can also run on propane, methanol, ethanol, natural gas or hydrogen.
ES Model Parameters¤
All the parameters concerning the Car Gasoline are listed in the table below.
entry_key | value | unit | sets | source_reference |
CO2_E (layer) | 0.111599 | kt/GWh | Moret, Stefano, (2017): "Strategic Energy Planning under Uncertainty" | |
CO2_E (layer) | 0.111599 | - | DEU | Schnidrig, Jonas, (2020): "Assessment of Green Mobility Scenarios on European Energy Systems" |
CO2_E (layer) | 0.13 | - | CHE | Codina Gironès, Victor; Moret, Stefano; Maréchal, François; Favrat, Daniel, (2015): "Strategic Energy Planning for Large-Scale Energy Systems: A Modelling Framework to Aid Decision-Making" |
CO2_E (layer) | 0.131 | kg_CO2 | NA | Agez, Maxime; Ménard, Jean-François; Saunier, François, (2022): "Analyse du Cycle de Vie de Filières Énergétiques et de Leur Utilisation pour le Transport Routier au Québec – Partie 2 : Utilisation" |
GASOLINE (layer) | -0.546 | kWh | NA | Agez, Maxime; Ménard, Jean-François; Saunier, François, (2022): "Analyse du Cycle de Vie de Filières Énergétiques et de Leur Utilisation pour le Transport Routier au Québec – Partie 2 : Utilisation" |
GASOLINE (layer) | -0.5 | - | CHE | Codina Gironès, Victor; Moret, Stefano; Maréchal, François; Favrat, Daniel, (2015): "Strategic Energy Planning for Large-Scale Energy Systems: A Modelling Framework to Aid Decision-Making" |
GASOLINE (layer) | -0.43 | - | Moret, Stefano, (2017): "Strategic Energy Planning under Uncertainty" | |
GASOLINE (layer) | -0.4297 | - | DEU | Schnidrig, Jonas, (2020): "Assessment of Green Mobility Scenarios on European Energy Systems" |
MOB_PRIVATE (layer) | 1 | pkm | NA | Agez, Maxime; Ménard, Jean-François; Saunier, François, (2022): "Analyse du Cycle de Vie de Filières Énergétiques et de Leur Utilisation pour le Transport Routier au Québec – Partie 2 : Utilisation" |
MOB_PRIVATE (layer) | 1 | - | CHE | Codina Gironès, Victor; Moret, Stefano; Maréchal, François; Favrat, Daniel, (2015): "Strategic Energy Planning for Large-Scale Energy Systems: A Modelling Framework to Aid Decision-Making" |
MOB_PRIVATE (layer) | 1 | - | Moret, Stefano, (2017): "Strategic Energy Planning under Uncertainty" | |
MOB_PRIVATE (layer) | 1 | - | DEU | Schnidrig, Jonas, (2020): "Assessment of Green Mobility Scenarios on European Energy Systems" |
c_inv | 0 | MCHF/(Mpkm/h) | Moret, Stefano, (2017): "Strategic Energy Planning under Uncertainty" | |
c_inv | 512.04 | CAD/(pkm/h) | NA | Agez, Maxime; Ménard, Jean-François; Saunier, François, (2022): "Analyse du Cycle de Vie de Filières Énergétiques et de Leur Utilisation pour le Transport Routier au Québec – Partie 2 : Utilisation" |
c_inv | 665 | MCHF/(Mpkm/h) | DEU | Schnidrig, Jonas, (2020): "Assessment of Green Mobility Scenarios on European Energy Systems" |
c_maint | 0 | MCHF/(Mpkm/h)/yr | Moret, Stefano, (2017): "Strategic Energy Planning under Uncertainty" | |
c_maint | 25.6 | MCHF/(Mpkm/h)/y | DEU | Schnidrig, Jonas, (2020): "Assessment of Green Mobility Scenarios on European Energy Systems" |
c_maint | 35.79 | CAD/(pkm/h)/y | NA | Agez, Maxime; Ménard, Jean-François; Saunier, François, (2022): "Analyse du Cycle de Vie de Filières Énergétiques et de Leur Utilisation pour le Transport Routier au Québec – Partie 2 : Utilisation" |
c_p | 1 | - | Moret, Stefano, (2017): "Strategic Energy Planning under Uncertainty" | |
c_p | 1 | - | DEU | Schnidrig, Jonas, (2020): "Assessment of Green Mobility Scenarios on European Energy Systems" |
gwp_constr | 0 | kgCO2/(Mpkm/h) | Moret, Stefano, (2017): "Strategic Energy Planning under Uncertainty" | |
lifetime | 1 | y | Moret, Stefano, (2017): "Strategic Energy Planning under Uncertainty" | |
lifetime | 8 | y | DEU | Schnidrig, Jonas, (2020): "Assessment of Green Mobility Scenarios on European Energy Systems" |
lifetime | 15 | y | NA | Agez, Maxime; Ménard, Jean-François; Saunier, François, (2022): "Analyse du Cycle de Vie de Filières Énergétiques et de Leur Utilisation pour le Transport Routier au Québec – Partie 2 : Utilisation" |
ref_size | 0.001 | Mpkm/h | Moret, Stefano, (2017): "Strategic Energy Planning under Uncertainty" | |
ref_size | 45.77 | pkm/h | DEU | Schnidrig, Jonas, (2020): "Assessment of Green Mobility Scenarios on European Energy Systems" |
ref_size | 52.34 | pkm/h | NA | Agez, Maxime; Ménard, Jean-François; Saunier, François, (2022): "Analyse du Cycle de Vie de Filières Énergétiques et de Leur Utilisation pour le Transport Routier au Québec – Partie 2 : Utilisation" |
trl | 9 | - | Moret, Stefano, (2017): "Strategic Energy Planning under Uncertainty" | |
trl | 9 | - | DEU | Schnidrig, Jonas, (2020): "Assessment of Green Mobility Scenarios on European Energy Systems" |
Data Sources |
Agez, Maxime; Ménard, Jean-François; Saunier, François. (2022). "Analyse du Cycle de Vie de Filières Énergétiques et de Leur Utilisation pour le Transport Routier au Québec – Partie 2 : Utilisation" |
Codina Gironès, Victor; Moret, Stefano; Maréchal, François; Favrat, Daniel. (2015). "Strategic Energy Planning for Large-Scale Energy Systems: A Modelling Framework to Aid Decision-Making". Energy. ⧉ |
Moret, Stefano. (2017). "Strategic Energy Planning under Uncertainty" |
Schnidrig, Jonas. (2020). "Assessment of Green Mobility Scenarios on European Energy Systems" |
«Canadian Vehicle Survey — 2009 Summary Report» (Ottawa, Canada: Natural Resources Canada, 2009). ↩