Hydro Run-of-Hydro River¤
1: Introduction¤
Hydro power stations can be classified in two main categories: hydro run-of-Hydro River and hydro dam. The main difference between both is whether water can be stored and released in periods of high electricity demand. Hydro run-of-Hydro River is a non dispatchable energy source and it is operated as baseload for power production.
On-Hydro River hydropower, or run-of-Hydro River hydropower, transforms the kinetic energy derived from flowing Hydro River water into electricity, circumventing the need for reservoir creation. Key technical aspects include:
Turbine Technology: The utilization of hydro turbines—such as Kaplan and Francis turbines—enables the conversion of kinetic energy to mechanical energy, which is subsequently transformed into electrical energy via generators. The selection of turbine type is influenced by the hydrological characteristics of the Hydro River.
Capacity: The electrical generation capacity of on-Hydro River hydropower systems is contingent upon specific Hydro River conditions, notably flow rates and hydraulic head. Capacities can range from small-scale installations in the kilowatt (kW) range to larger infrastructures with capabilities exceeding multiple megawatts (MW).
Environmental Impact: On-Hydro River hydropower is often perceived as environmentally favorable relative to reservoir-based systems, given the absence of the need for extensive area flooding. However, the impact on fish migration and overall Hydro River ecology warrants thorough consideration.
Efficiency: The efficiency of hydropower plants in converting water kinetic energy to electricity typically spans between 85% and 90%, influenced by turbine design, type, and the accuracy of turbine to Hydro River flow characteristics alignment. However, the capacity factor of run of Hydro River projects varies between 40% and 80%. By comparison most of large hydroelectric dams with big reservoirs have capacity factors closer to 85-90%. The lack of a reservoir also puts an upper limit on the size of the run of Hydro River plant so that they are only really feasible on Hydro Rivers with large year-round flow-rates.
2: Global Deployment¤
On-Hydro River hydropower installations are globally present, particularly within regions boasting extensive Hydro River networks and an emphasis on renewable energy resource utilization. In 2021, global hydropower accounted for an installed capacity of approximately 1,360 GW 1, with a significant portion attributable to on-Hydro River systems.
Run-of-Hydro River projects are expected to make up the smallest segment of the hydropower market over the next ten years, partly because they tend to be smaller in size than reservoir and PSH plants. Most of the capacity increases will be in Asia and Latin America, where larger run-of-Hydro River projects dominate expansion in 2021-2025.
3: Use in Quebec and Canada¤
In Quebec, hydropower, particularly through large-scale reservoir-based projects, stands as a fundamental pillar in its energy portfolio, exploiting the province’s abundant hydrological resources. Despite this, on-Hydro River hydropower also presents discernible potential and has witnessed some development. According to HydroQuebec in 2023, 37% of their total installed capacity is run-of-Hydro River installations. This represents around 13’660 (MW) 3
Canada’s hydropower infrastructure ranks fourth globally in terms of size, following China, Brazil, and the United States, and held the third position in annual hydroelectric production in 2021, generating over 383 TWh. The inception of hydroelectricity in Canada dates back to 1881. Subsequently, a minimum of 566 hydroelectric plants have been constructed, cumulatively offering an installed power totaling 82,990 MW as of 2023. The most expedited growth in capacity was observed from the 1950s through the 1990s, following which a deceleration was noted towards the late 2000s.

Over the past five years, hydroelectric production has witnessed an augmentation of approximately 2,400 MW, with the majority of this power stemming from the development of large plants such as Romaine-3 (395 MW) and Romaine-4 (245 MW) in Quebec in 2017 and 2023, respectively, Keeyask (695 MW) in Manitoba in 2022, and Muskrat Falls (824 MW) in Newfoundland and Labrador in 2021. While Canada has significantly capitalized on reservoir-based hydroelectric plants, the utilization and development of on-Hydro River hydropower, with its minimized environmental footprints and socio-cultural impacts, remain an avenue for exploration and potential expansion. 4
ES Model Parameters¤
All the parameters concerning the Hydro River are listed in the table below.
entry_key | value | unit | sets | source_reference |
ELECTRICITY_HV (layer) | 1 | - | Moret, Stefano, (2017): "Strategic Energy Planning under Uncertainty" | |
RES_HYDRO (layer) | -1 | - | Moret, Stefano, (2017): "Strategic Energy Planning under Uncertainty" | |
c_inv | 1824 | USD/kW | USA | Sasthav, Colin; Oladosu, Gbadebo, (2022): "ORNL Hydropower Cost Database Extract from FERC Form-1" |
c_inv | 5387 | MCHF/GW | Moret, Stefano, (2017): "Strategic Energy Planning under Uncertainty" | |
c_maint | 15.1 | USD/kW/yr | NA | Uría-Martínez, Rocío; Johnson, Megan M; Shan, Rui; Samu, Nicole M; Oladosu, Gbadebo; Werble, Joseph M; Battey, Hoyt, (2021): "U.S. Hydropower Market Report" |
c_maint | 53.9 | MCHF/GW/yr | Moret, Stefano, (2017): "Strategic Energy Planning under Uncertainty" | |
c_maint | 56 | USD/kW/yr | USA | Sasthav, Colin; Oladosu, Gbadebo, (2022): "ORNL Hydropower Cost Database Extract from FERC Form-1" |
c_p | 0.43 | - | USA | Sasthav, Colin; Oladosu, Gbadebo, (2022): "ORNL Hydropower Cost Database Extract from FERC Form-1" |
c_p | 1 | - | Moret, Stefano, (2017): "Strategic Energy Planning under Uncertainty" | |
c_p_t[10] | 0.45 | - | QC | Brun, Justine, (2022): "Integration of Life Cycle Impact Assessment in Energy System Modelling, Applied to Canada's Provinces" |
c_p_t[10] | 0.466 | - | QC | Statistics Canada, (2023): "Electric Power Generation, Monthly Generation by Type of Electricity" |
c_p_t[11] | 0.524 | - | QC | Statistics Canada, (2023): "Electric Power Generation, Monthly Generation by Type of Electricity" |
c_p_t[11] | 0.58 | - | QC | Brun, Justine, (2022): "Integration of Life Cycle Impact Assessment in Energy System Modelling, Applied to Canada's Provinces" |
c_p_t[12] | 0.61 | - | QC | Statistics Canada, (2023): "Electric Power Generation, Monthly Generation by Type of Electricity" |
c_p_t[12] | 0.69 | - | QC | Brun, Justine, (2022): "Integration of Life Cycle Impact Assessment in Energy System Modelling, Applied to Canada's Provinces" |
c_p_t[1] | 0.68 | - | QC | Brun, Justine, (2022): "Integration of Life Cycle Impact Assessment in Energy System Modelling, Applied to Canada's Provinces" |
c_p_t[1] | 0.692 | - | QC | Statistics Canada, (2023): "Electric Power Generation, Monthly Generation by Type of Electricity" |
c_p_t[2] | 0.675 | - | QC | Statistics Canada, (2023): "Electric Power Generation, Monthly Generation by Type of Electricity" |
c_p_t[2] | 0.68 | - | QC | Brun, Justine, (2022): "Integration of Life Cycle Impact Assessment in Energy System Modelling, Applied to Canada's Provinces" |
c_p_t[3] | 0.615 | - | QC | Statistics Canada, (2023): "Electric Power Generation, Monthly Generation by Type of Electricity" |
c_p_t[3] | 0.67 | - | QC | Brun, Justine, (2022): "Integration of Life Cycle Impact Assessment in Energy System Modelling, Applied to Canada's Provinces" |
c_p_t[4] | 0.539 | - | QC | Statistics Canada, (2023): "Electric Power Generation, Monthly Generation by Type of Electricity" |
c_p_t[4] | 0.56 | - | QC | Brun, Justine, (2022): "Integration of Life Cycle Impact Assessment in Energy System Modelling, Applied to Canada's Provinces" |
c_p_t[5] | 0.484 | - | QC | Statistics Canada, (2023): "Electric Power Generation, Monthly Generation by Type of Electricity" |
c_p_t[5] | 0.5 | - | QC | Brun, Justine, (2022): "Integration of Life Cycle Impact Assessment in Energy System Modelling, Applied to Canada's Provinces" |
c_p_t[6] | 0.467 | - | QC | Statistics Canada, (2023): "Electric Power Generation, Monthly Generation by Type of Electricity" |
c_p_t[6] | 0.48 | - | QC | Brun, Justine, (2022): "Integration of Life Cycle Impact Assessment in Energy System Modelling, Applied to Canada's Provinces" |
c_p_t[7] | 0.471 | - | QC | Statistics Canada, (2023): "Electric Power Generation, Monthly Generation by Type of Electricity" |
c_p_t[7] | 0.53 | - | QC | Brun, Justine, (2022): "Integration of Life Cycle Impact Assessment in Energy System Modelling, Applied to Canada's Provinces" |
c_p_t[8] | 0.482 | - | QC | Statistics Canada, (2023): "Electric Power Generation, Monthly Generation by Type of Electricity" |
c_p_t[8] | 0.52 | - | QC | Brun, Justine, (2022): "Integration of Life Cycle Impact Assessment in Energy System Modelling, Applied to Canada's Provinces" |
c_p_t[9] | 0.447 | - | QC | Statistics Canada, (2023): "Electric Power Generation, Monthly Generation by Type of Electricity" |
c_p_t[9] | 0.52 | - | QC | Brun, Justine, (2022): "Integration of Life Cycle Impact Assessment in Energy System Modelling, Applied to Canada's Provinces" |
f_max | 13.66 | GW | QC | Hydro-Québec, (2023): "Centrales - Hydro-Québec Production ⧉" |
f_min | 13.66 | GW | QC | Hydro-Québec, (2023): "Centrales - Hydro-Québec Production ⧉" |
gwp_constr | 1263 | kgCO2/kW | Moret, Stefano, (2017): "Strategic Energy Planning under Uncertainty" | |
lifetime | 40 | y | Moret, Stefano, (2017): "Strategic Energy Planning under Uncertainty" | |
ref_size | 3.8 | GW | Moret, Stefano, (2017): "Strategic Energy Planning under Uncertainty" | |
ref_size | 52 | MW | USA | Sasthav, Colin; Oladosu, Gbadebo, (2022): "ORNL Hydropower Cost Database Extract from FERC Form-1" |
trl | 9 | - | Moret, Stefano, (2017): "Strategic Energy Planning under Uncertainty" |
Data Sources |
Brun, Justine. (2022). "Integration of Life Cycle Impact Assessment in Energy System Modelling, Applied to Canada's Provinces" |
Hydro-Québec. (2023). "Centrales - Hydro-Québec Production ⧉" |
Moret, Stefano. (2017). "Strategic Energy Planning under Uncertainty" |
Sasthav, Colin; Oladosu, Gbadebo. (2022). "ORNL Hydropower Cost Database Extract from FERC Form-1". https://doi.org/10.21951/ORNLHCMFORM1COST/1844097 ⧉ |
Statistics Canada. (2023). "Electric Power Generation, Monthly Generation by Type of Electricity". https://doi.org/10.25318/2510001501-ENG ⧉ |
Uría-Martínez, Rocío; Johnson, Megan M; Shan, Rui; Samu, Nicole M; Oladosu, Gbadebo; Werble, Joseph M; Battey, Hoyt. (2021). "U.S. Hydropower Market Report" |
2022 Hydropower Status Report ⧉ - International Hydropower Association, 2022 ↩
Generating stations - Hydro-Québec Production ⧉- Hydro-Québec, 2023 ↩
Évaluation du potentiel technique et économique du stockage hydroélectrique par pompage au Canada ⧉ - Waterpower Canada, 2023 ↩